There is no better place to find Christian dating advice than in the bible. It’s the one true word of God and it gives you the answers and advice needed to form a lasting relationship that will lead to marriage. Scriptures provide you with the information needed for Christian dating, if you follow this advice it will help you find the person you’re meant to spend your life with.
However, many Christians turn to the Internet to find dating advice instead of the bible. This could be due to a couple of different reasons. For example, we live in a fast pace world where most people stay busy. Between your job, family, church and other obligations, your time may be so limited that you feel like you don’t have time to search through the bible for advice on dating. For this reason, you take a short cut and search online for dating advice.
Another reason may be because you’re impatient and want to hurry up and find that one true love you’ve been waiting for all of your life. This is understandable but you can’t take shortcuts when searching for that special person you want to marry one day. If you’re not careful, you may end up following bad advice that interferes with your relationship with God. It could lead you to marry the wrong person and your marriage could end in divorce.
Can You Find Good Christian Dating Advice Online
While you can find good Christian dating advice online, you have to be very careful where you look. There are more sites giving out bad advice than there are ones using the bible as their guide. If you choose to turn to the Internet for this type of advice, you cannot use the first bit of information that you run across. Take your time and sort through the information and different sites carefully. Follow your instincts and ask God to help you make good choices.
Tips for Finding Good Christian Dating Advice Online
If you choose to use the Internet to look for Christian dating advice, here are a few tips that can help you find the best advice. Look for advice provided by Christians who know the bible and believe the word of God. A non-Christian will not have the knowledge to give advice that falls within the scriptures. The Christian community may not agree with what they believe to be acceptable behavior.
Know that not everyone who claims to be a Christian is one or they may not have the same beliefs that you do. Many people claim to be a Christian who believe it’s okay to have a sexual relationship before marriage or that it’s not a big deal to get a divorce if your marriage fails. This type of advice can do more harm than good.
If something you read does not sound right to you or if you know in your heart that it’s bad advice, don’t follow it. Dating advice is provided as a way to help you pursue a relationship with someone you’re dating. It’s a guide and nothing more. You don’t have to follow the advice word for word. Use your common sense and follow your heart. If you’re not sure if the advice is good or bad, pray about it and turn to the scriptures to help you find the answer.
In fact, it’s a good idea to look for scriptures to backup all of the information you find. This way, you’ll know for sure that the advice you’re using to help you pursue a relationship with someone is good advice. If you can’t find any scriptures that support the information, then think twice before using it. If it’s good Christian advice, you should be able to find scriptures to support it.
Things to Consider
Before you enter into a relationship with another person, you need to mature as a Christian first. When you are ready to date, good Christian dating advice can help you avoid making a lot of common mistakes that many people make. It can help keep you from getting too far ahead of yourself and rushing your relationship.
When searching for good Christian dating advice you can find a lot of wisdom in the pages of the bible. It teaches you how to be a good person and how to truly love others. It teaches you the steps to take to ensure you have found the right person so you don’t jump into a relationship before you’re ready. It can help you find the right person by teaching you how to separate the true Christian from the ones who pretend to be a Christian.
When using online dating advice, don’t get caught up in the moment. Consider what the word of God says at all times. If it encourages a sexual relationship before marriage or suggests you engage in any activity that would be frowned upon by the church, it’s probably not the best advice to be following. It could set you up for major disappointments. Good Christian advice will support the bible and encourage you to follow the laws and guidelines it offers. Any advice that goes against the word of God can make your life more complicated and lead you off the path of Christianity.
You may be wondering how in the world is Christian dating like fishing and you would be right to ask. After all, finding a good man is not easy particularly for Christian women who have a set of morals and beliefs that may not be felt by men in the world. But if you look at dating and use the same tactics that fishermen use to find their fish, you will be surprised at the outcome. There is a certain skill to fishing that can be used in the dating world if you put them in to practice. This goes through the process of finding a good Christian man and how you can be success on your “fishing” adventure.
Fishing Basics
When you go fishing, you do not just find a river, lake or pond and drop any old bait in expecting to catch any old fish. At least, the good fishermen do not do this instead they plan out their fishing excursions to the finest detail. They know the fish they are looking for, the rod and reel they should use the location where the particular fish can be found and the bait that they need to use. This is the same in the dating game. You need to know the type of man you want, what it takes to meet him, where this type of man can generally be found and what you should do to “land” him. It is all about research and learning the places to go to and those places where the right man is not likely to be found.
Now, there are always times when a fisherman expects to catch bass such as in a lake that is known for them, this does not mean there are not other fish there. Alternatively, when you go out for catfish, this does not mean you may not catch crappie. But if you take the time to learn these things, you are more than likely to catch the type of man you want and you can always throw back those who do not have those traits you do not want. This may sound harsh but why waste your time and the man’s time when he does not have the value system, moral code or religious beliefs that you live by?
Translating Fishing into Dating
In order to find the man you want to date and eventually spend your life with, you can use the above fishing analogy to your advantage. Here you will learn the techniques that fishermen use but the only difference is that you are looking for a partner. The following translates fishing techniques into some of the best dating advice for Christian women:
- What Type of Man Do You Want? – Well, this can be a wide open question but there are some prerequisites that you can start off with. Do you want a man who is taller than you or who has a certain hair color? These are very basic questions but they do matter in the long run since you are the one who has to live with your choices. Since you are Christian, it is assumed that you would like a man with the same faith that you have. There are many different faith systems in the Christian religion so you should also know if you want to stay within your denomination or if you are alright dating outside of it.
- What You Should Use to Find a Man – Your mind is the rod and reel that you should use to find a man that you want to be with. You can do this by being smart enough to detect someone early on who is not right for you or who does not bring the values you want in a man. You can also use this to locate the areas where these men can be found just like throwing out your line in the water brings in certain fish. Bass are typically found on the shore and catfish are found in the bottom of the water typically wallowing in the mud.
- Know Where the Fish/Men Are – First of all, you want to target a certain type of man. This is the same as fishing in that a fisherman will go to the ocean for saltwater fish but the lake or river for freshwater fish. If you want to find a good Christian man, you are not finding him hanging out at bars or strip clubs. Instead, cast your line in church or Christian social groups, you can even try a Christian dating site because you know that he has the same love for God that you do. Even the gym is a great place to look for a good man because you know that he cares about his body and the body is a temple of God.
- The Bait – You are the bait so if you want to find a good Christian man you do not want to be dressed inappropriately or to suggestively. Dress modestly while still fashionable and allow him to see the real you and not a person that a good Christian man would not want to associate with. Your personality is your best bait so make sure to always ask him about himself and his interests and be truthful and honest when he asks about you. Let him know up front what you want from a relationship and how he would fit into the plan. While this may seem forward, if he simply wants a sexual relationship and this is not something you want, then you should not waste either your or his time.
- Reeling Him In – Again, you have to reel him in just like a fisherman reels in the fish he catches on his line only this is a live person so you want to be even more cautious. There are times that you may find that you got the catfish that was on the edge of the water instead of the bass you were actually fishing for. Be prepared to let a few go before you find the keeper. Once you find the keeper or the man you want to get to know better, take things slow and allow the relationship to blossom. Many a good fish is lost when a fisherman gets too excited and reels in his line too fast and did not allow the fish to work the line properly. Yes, this step does take the most patience but this is a virtue you should put to good use if you want to find a man who is worthy of your love, time and devotion.
Fishing can be a wonderful sport but it does take patience and determination so be prepared for the down times because once you find the perfect fish/man, the wait is well worth it. Just remember to look for your man in the right location, to offer the right bait, to use the correct tool which is your mind and personality and reel him slowly. Some may still not believe that this process actually works but if you use these tips and take them for what they are, a new way of looking at dating, then you can find the man of your dreams and you can have the fairy tale happy ending!
Are you a Christian single or new to the dating scene and you want to find some good places to take a fellow Christian on a date? Maybe you’ve finally met someone you are interested in and want to spend some time enjoying a good time together. However, you want to make sure the date you choose remains in line with your Christian morals and values.
What may seem like such a simple task is often much harder than you think because of the pressures in our society today. It’s hard to go anywhere or do anything without being faced with opportunities to sin and to compromise your morals. It can be frustrating also to come up with unique date ideas, especially if one or both of you have been on the dating scene for awhile. Here are some Christian-friendly ideas to consider. Let them be a starting point for you to also add to the list and think of your own creative ways to plan a date.
Where to Go on Your Christian Date
Here are some great Christian approved date ideas:
Go on a Group Date: A group date with another couple (or several couples) to dinner and movies or some other planned activity may be just what you are looking for. This takes the pressure out of being alone in a romantic situation and when you go on a group date with other Christian couples, it holds you all accountable while also giving you a chance to meet new friends.
Volunteer Together: Here’s a great wait to test your date’s comfort level with volunteer work and to have fun together while doing something that helps others. You might go to a food shelter, a retirement home or a local cleanup effort together. Public service dates are a good chance to see if you and your date agree on topics of compassion and public service.
Christian Concert: What’s cooler than seeing your favorite Christian band perform with an interesting Christian single who shares your views? You will have loads of fun and make memories that will last a long time, even if you don’t continue to see one another.
Church Event/ Date Night: Many local churches now have church events or date nights. Some even have “singles nights” where you can bring a date to have wholesome, healthy fun and good times with other singles in your area. There may be concerts, games, food and more. Check with your church or organizations in your area to find out what’s available.
Sports Date: A good sports date can be a lot of fun, especially if your partner enjoys it as well. You could get tickets to go see a local pro sporting event or you could do something fun and active yourself. Try something new neither of you have ever done, go rock climbing or go skating. This will be a great way to see if your lifestyles are compatible when it comes to activity and it will be a lot of fun together.
Planning Your Christian Date
When it doubt about where to go and what to do, discuss it with your date. Sure, the element of surprise can sometimes be romantic but you want to be sure you both have fun and feel comfortable. There will be plenty of time for surprise dates once you get to know one another better. If you’re not sure what kind of date would be appropriate, just talk with your date about where he or she would like to go.
Avoid being alone at one or the other’s house or being in situations that might test your will if you are not ready for sex at this time (as most Christians agree to wait) or places where you might be tempted to drink alcohol (like clubs and bars). Avoid places that would make you or your date feel uncomfortable. Focus on having fun and getting to know one another better.
Dating in these times is never easy and it can be particularly difficult for those who are trying to live a clean and Christian life. Christian girls in particular can have a difficult time because trying to maintain chastity when it seems like everyone else is not can make them feel left out.
There are shows on television that celebrate premarital sex and pregnancy not to mention the boys and men who do not understand how important this topic is for her. So what does a Christian girl need to know before dating? The following are some tips to make sure she stays safe while still attempting to find love:
- Date Men of Your Own Faith – While this is not something that is set in stone, it is always easier to date a man who feels and believes the same things that you do. There are many different churches that have their own set of rules for their followers so if you are with someone who believes exactly the way you do, you do not have to explain yourself as much. When you say you want to wait until marriage, he will understand and will not pressure you to do things you are uncomfortable with.
- Only Date a Man who is Responsible – The best thing a Christian girl can do is date a man who is already responsible in his life. This means he should already have a job and should be self sufficient. If he cannot even bother to work to support himself, then he is not a good provider and would not provide for you and the children should you have any. He would probably not be responsible enough to allow you to maintain your chastity until the wedding night.
- He Honors God as You Do – You want a man who honors God as much as you do because at the end of the day, what do is for Him. You want your children to grow up knowing God as you do and having a husband who honors Him as well makes this much easier. A man who does not have the same honor you do may not allow you to take the children to church and may not want them to have the same faith. He may even attempt to keep you from your faith so this is a very important tip.
- Ask God for Guidance – Once you have met a man who you enjoy spending time with, who has the same beliefs, is responsible and honors God, you should pray for guidance. Only God knows who you should be with and you should leave the decision in his hands. He will let you know if you are making the right decision. There are no questions; you will simply know in your heart what you must do and if the man you like is the right one for you.
Christian Girls Can Find a Godly Man
If you follow the above tips then you do not have to worry about whether or not you have found the right man. The answer will be right in front of you. Just keep in mind that a man who loves God and who loves you would never ask you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable or that would compromise your faith.
He will honor you as a woman and will wait for the wedding night to consummate the relationship if that is how you feel. He will also want the children to be raised with the love of God that you both feel. There are good men out there and dating can be a wonderful time in your life, you just have to be careful and know who you are dating before you give your heart to him.
Making a Christian connection has changed through the years and now many people meet their partner from an online dating site. This trend continues to grow due to all the benefits this way of meeting new people has to offer. When you read the profiles of other members, you have a unique look into their personality. Profiles will tell you a lot more about a person than their age and gender.
Detailed profiles on Christian dating sites will tell you what the person is looking for in a partner, their religion, things they like, dislike and a lot more. This information will let you know if you have anything in common with a person before you ever meet. If you do, you can take the next step and let the person know that you’re interested in meeting them. If the feeling is mutual, you can begin talking to each other.
Creating your own profile will help you know what to look for when viewing others. By writing out what you like, don’t like, your goals and so forth, it’ll help you learn a little more about yourself so you’ll know what type of match will suit you the best.
How Online Dating Can Help You Make a Christian Connection
It can be harder for Christians to meet other people who are available to date than it is for non-Christians. The places you go are more limited and many of the people you meet at church functions and similar events are already married or dating someone. This greatly limits the number of potential candidates. You may run into someone available once in awhile but it can take a long time to find someone who is available and a good match.
When you join a Christian dating site, this greatly expands your opportunities. Everyone who joins the site is searching for someone to become friends with or someone with whom they can eventually begin a relationship. There are a lot of people searching for the same things in life that you are whether it’s companionship or a lifelong love. Christian dating sites help to bring you together with some of these people, which make it easier to make a connection.
Creating a Profile
When creating a profile it’s important for you to be completely honest and stay positive. No one wants to think they’re getting to know someone that is in their early 20s and very athletic when in reality, you’re closer to 30 and out of shape. Tell your true age and when filling out the profile forms, be as honest as you can.
Don’t be ashamed of how you look. You want someone who will care about you for who you really are not what you think you should look like. A real Christian relationship is based on a person’s personality, not what size they are. Be confident in yourself and what you have to offer someone and be specific when describing yourself and what you’re searching for in a partner.
When talking about what type of person you’re searching for, don’t use negative phrases. For example, instead of saying, “I don’t want someone who smokes” say “I am a non-smoker and prefer the company of non-smokers”. It sounds better and keeps things on a positive note. Being honest and staying positive will help you find the right match because there are no surprises.
Tips for Making a Connection
Joining a dating site and viewing profiles is a great start but if you truly want to make a connection, there are a few tips that can make it easier for you to find a good match. Start your search by looking for someone who shares the same faith as you. It’s much easier to make a connection when you have the same beliefs.
The attitude that you have when you begin online dating will have a lot to do with the experience that you have when making a Christian connection. You need to know what type of relationship you want and search for someone who shares the same feelings. If you want a lifelong relationship, there would be no point is spending time getting to know and dating someone who’s only looking for friendship and nothing more.
Take your time and really get to know someone online before carrying the relationship to the next level and meeting in person. If you have different beliefs, different moral values and want different things out of life, there is no reason to start dating, even if you do think they are fun to talk to. You can maintain a friendship with that person but continue looking for someone to form a relationship with.
Setting up a Meeting
Once you feel like you have made a connection and you’re ready to meet in person, always follow safety guidelines. Try meeting at social events where there are a lot of other Christians. You can also meet at a restaurant that you’re familiar with or one that you feel comfortable going to. If the first date goes well, you can schedule another and continue to talk online or by phone as your relationship grows.
Making a Christian connection is much easier today with the use of Christian dating sites. You can meet more people and find someone that is a good match faster than by using traditional methods.
Christian dating is a little different from the dating rituals that go on between non-Christians but that does not mean that it cannot be fun and exciting. When you learn and apply what the bible says about Christian dating to your life, it can make it easier to find the perfect match. As a result, you can enjoy each other’s company and have a great time when dating.
It is important to know that the Bible does not give specific rules about dating because the act of dating was not around during biblical times. However, scriptures are available that will help you know what type of people you should be dating and which ones it would be best to avoid.
Christian dating can be a little more complicated because you need to be careful who you date and follow certain steps to avoid getting ahead of yourself. Dating often leads to marriage, which is a lifelong commitment so you want to make sure you choose to date the right type of people.
Why Dating a Nonbeliever Is a Bad Idea
Many people date just to have companionship and they don’t see the problem with dating someone who is a nonbeliever. However, in many cases, you end up marrying the person you’re dating. If you want companionship, seek out friends not someone to date. However, even then, it would be wise to form friendships with other Christians.
2 Corinthians 6:15 says, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?”
What this scripture is saying is that you don’t have anything in common with an unbeliever. They may want to do things that are against the church or your beliefs. Why put yourself in this type of position? It will make it much harder to stay true to your beliefs when you’re hanging out with nonbelievers.
You Can’t Change People
One mistake that a lot of Christians make is thinking that they can change someone into believing the way they do. While this is a nice thought, it doesn’t always work that way. In fact, more often than not, they will end up changing you. 1 Corinthians 15:33 B says “Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” You may mean well and believe that you can change people but it’s not as easy as you think.
Before a person can change, they have to want to. There is nothing you can say or do to convince another person to make changes they don’t want to make. What’s even worse is that many people will pretend to change to make you happy but eventually the act will fade. If you’ve already made the commitment of marriage before you find out it was an act, it’s too late.
There are situations where a Christian dating a non-Christian can convert them to Christianity and help teach them the Bible. In this case, your relationship can end in a happy marriage but the odds are against you. Therefore, if you do choose to pursue this type of relationship, be very careful.
Christian Dating Ethics
Turn to the Bible for Christian dating ethics. When dating, you want to do the things that glorify God, not things that go against his word. Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” This would apply to dating as well as other aspects of your life.
For this reason, you must be careful who you date. If you are going out with someone that wants you to go to a bar or to engage in premarital sex, you’re going to run into problems. These are things that some believe go against God’s word and the things that you should avoid as a Christian.
Christian Dating Tips
In many cases, you may not know enough about the person before you start dating to know if they are a Christian or not. Being a Christian means different things to different people and they may believe differently from you. However, after a few dates, you’ll begin to get to know each other better and you’ll begin to see what they are really like. If at any time you see that you do have different beliefs and that the relationship is not going to work, it’s best to go ahead stop dating sooner rather than later.
Keep your first few dates simple and public. Going to church functions and out to dinner are great ways to spend your first few dates. If the person you’re dating does not want to go to these functions or services with you or if they push to have dates that are more private right at first, this is a red flag.
Don’t make any commitments before you get to know someone well. Hasty decisions can lead to serious problems later. Take time to go through the stages of Christian dating and find out if the person you’re going out with has the same beliefs that you do and what they want for the future. Always put glorifying God first and pray for guidance and this will help you make better decisions about the people you date. It will also help you find your true soul mate.
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